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"Dumnezeu nu a putut fi pretutindeni, asa ca a creat mamele!"

Aici vei gasi o colectie de citate despre mama si despre ce inseamna sa fii mamica. Trimite-ne si tu citatul tau preferat!

O mama buna nu e doar aceea care face cele mai fragede cornulete, ci aceea care il priveste pe tatal copiilor ei cu lumina in ochi, cu drag, cu dorinta, cu respect, asa cum si-ar dori ca fiicele ei sa priveasca, peste ani, catre barbatul langa care traiesc.
autor necunoscut

Mama este inceputul tuturor inceputurilor.
Grigore Vieru

Mama este numele lui Dumnezeu pe buzele si in inimile copiilor.
William Makepeace Thackeray

Mama este banca la care ne depunem toate ranile si toate grijile.
Thomas De Witt Talmage

O mama nu este o persoana pe care sa te sprijini, ci o persoana care face sprijinul nenecesar.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Fara mama nu se poate iubi. Fara mama nu se poate muri.
Hermann Hesse

O mama buna pretuieste cat o suta de profesori.
Johann Friedrich Herbart

Adevarata mama nu este cea care-i da viata copilului, ci buna crestere.
Sfantul Ioan Gura de Aur

Cum ati putea voi banui cate lumi misuna intr-o raza de soare, cate lupte se dau intr-o gaura de furnici, cate dureri ascunde o inima de mama trudita si cate daruri se pot naste intr-un suflet de copil!
Panait Istrati

Sufletele de mama n-au nicio cumpatare la recunostinta, cum n-au nici la iubire.
Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu

Nu cartile cresc oameni, ci mamele.
August Strindberg

Cand esti mama, nu esti niciodata cu adevarat singura in gandurile tale. O mama trebuie intotdeauna sa se gandeasca de 2 ori: o data pentru ea si o data pentru copilul ei.
Sophia Loren

Inima mamei este sala de clasa a copilului.
Henry Ward Beecher

Tot ce sunt sau ce sper sa devin ii datorez ingerului care a fost mama.
Abraham Lincoln

Atunci cand exista o mama in casa lucrurile merg bine.
Amos Bronson Alcott

Mama a fost prima mea intalnire cu un inger.
Neale Donald Walsch

Mama, ideal de femeie, fermecator si venerat.
Lev Tolstoi

Poate ca pe nimeni nu chinuim atat de mult ca pe propria noastra mama; poate ca fiindca nici o dragoste nu sacrificam mai putin: atat de siguri suntem ca ne-a fost data pentru totdeauna si ca intotdeauna ne va ierta.
Jacinto Benavente

Exista o fiinta minunata fata de care vom ramane intotdeauna datori: mama.
Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky

Sotia este necesara pentru un sfat bun, soacra pentru o primire buna, dar nimeni nu este ca o dulce mama.
Lev Tolstoi

Inima mamei este un adanc abis la capatul caruia gasesti de fiecare data iertare.
Honore de Balzac

Ruga mamei apara de orice primejdie pe apa si pe uscat.
N. Gogol

Mamele au o varsta unica, nu exista mame tinere, mame batrane, mame frumoase sau urate. Exista doar mame.
Alba de Cespedes

Multe minuni sunt în univers, dar capodopera creatiunii e tot inima unei mame.
E. Bersot

Inima de mama e singurul loc din lume unde va puteti refugia, chiar cand parul va e carunt. Ferice de aceia carora le mai traieste mama.
Ad. Stifter

Pentru mame nu exista spatiu: o adevarata mama presimte si-si vede copilul de la un pol al pamantului la altul.
Honore de Balzac

Dragostea de mama e cel mai puternic si cel mai statornic sentiment al femeii.

Profesorii buni fac scolari buni; numai mamele bune fac oameni buni.
Aime Martin

Numai o mama stie ce înseamna a iubi si a fi fericit.

Viitorul unui copil este totdeauna fapta mamei sale.
Napoleon 1

Ce puternica e iubirea de mama! Chiar daca vede rautate din partea copiilor ei, ea indura cu resemnare, dar nu-i poate dusmani si uri.

Mama pentru-al ei copil are scumpe dezmierdari, / Are inima cu ochi, are ochi cu sarutari.

O mama e acea persoana care poate lua locul oricui, dar nu poate fi inlocuita cu nimeni.
Cardinal Mermillod

Mama este comoara dumnezeiasca, o comoara pe care nici un om n-ar indraznii s-o targuiasca.
Helen Hunt Jackson

Mama este mult prea inteligenta pentru a intelege ceva ce nu-i convine.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Mana care misca leaganul este mana care conduce lumea.
William Ross Wallace

Materninatea are un efect foarte spiritual, totul este redus la esential.
Meryl Streep

Munca oamenilor se masoara cu ziua, dar munca unei mame nu se sfarseste niciodata.
autor necunoscut

Nimic nu se compara cu-mbratisarea unei mame.
Adabella Radici

O mama isi poate tine doar o vreme copilul de mana, dar de inima nu-i da drumul pana la sfarsitul vietii.
autor necunoscut

O mama buna face cat toti dascalii.
George Herbert

Imbratisarea mamei dureaza mult dupa ce ti-a dat drumul...
autor necunoscut

Cineva mi-a furat inima si imi spune... mama
autor necunoscut


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For example, Farallones Bay, San Francisco Bay, most of the city and Alcatraz Island. Third among Earth photos is NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough's shot. This photo shows a truly magnificent landscape. The photo, which gives the impression of a surreal image, resembles gigantic CDs.Astronaut For some people, it's like a crop circle. However, it is actually a farmland using the sprinkler system around a central point. This image comes from the USA. These circular crop fields are quite interesting.Meanwhile, Pesquet captured a similar image earlier this year as the space station passed over Saudi Arabia.However, capturing images from space isn't easy, even if we envy the astronauts' view. Astronauts are mostly busy doing scientific experiments on the spaceport. NASA officialsTherefore, they have limited time to take their cameras and look out the window.The space agency shared a photo of this nebula, which it likened to Godzilla, on social media. Thinking that there would be people who could not see Godzilla in the nebula, he connected the dots and made the animal form he found more obvious. NASA officials said in a statement this week that nebulae in space can be compared to shapes just like clouds in the atmosphere. To support this idea, he presented the images of the nebula they found. The image of the discovered nebula was taken by NASA's retired Universe Spitzer Space Telescope. Milky WayOfficials said the nebula was seen deep in the constellation Sagittarius along the plane of the Milky Way. They added that the various colors seen also represent different wavelengths of infrared light.The researchers also explained that the stars in the upper right, where Godzilla's nose and eyes are located, are very far from Earth, but are located within our galaxy. The bright region in yellowish colors on the left, where Godzilla's right hand is located at a distance of about 7,800 light-years from Earth, is called W33. yellowishThe nebula was discovered by California Institute of Technology astronomer Robert Hurt. NASA awarded Hurt for this discovery in data obtained by Spitzer over 18 years. The Universe Spitzer Space Telescope was discontinued in late January 2020. However, scientists are re-examining the images obtained by the telescope so far, although it may provide new information about the universe. Cryptocurrency, which is increasingly used in many different areas today, will now be used for education payments. According to the new news from Bloomberg, the Wharton School, which is located within the University of Pennsylvania Bloomberg and is among the most prestigious Ivy schools in the world, announced that they will receive payments with crypto money. Cryptocurrency, which is increasingly used in many different areas today, will now be used for education payments. According to the new news from Bloomberg

2021-12-01 la 12:50

Pesquet captured this photo earlier this week as the space station passed over Australia. However, the ESA astronaut did not reveal exactly which location of Australia the photo in question shows.Two new photos showing the USA have arrived! Saudi ArabiaAnother photo that managed to enter the list of Earth photos taken from space belongs to NASA astronaut Megan McArthur. The view of San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge from space has garnered acclaim. This photo by McArthur also shows a few other landmarks. For example, Farallones Bay, San Francisco Bay, most of the city and Alcatraz Island. Third among Earth photos is NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough's shot. This photo shows a truly magnificent landscape. The photo, which gives the impression of a surreal image, resembles gigantic CDs. For some people, it's like a crop circle.spaceport However, it is actually a farmland using the sprinkler system around a central point. This image comes from the USA. These circular crop fields are quite interesting.Meanwhile, Pesquet captured a similar image earlier this year as the space station passed over Saudi Arabia.However, capturing images from space isn't easy, even if we envy the astronauts' view. The bright region Astronauts are mostly busy doing scientific experiments on the spaceport. Therefore, they have limited time to take their cameras and look out the window.The space agency shared a photo of this nebula, which it likened to Godzilla, on social media. Thinking that there would be people who could not see Godzilla in the nebula, he connected the dots and made the animal form he found more o support this idea, he presented the images of the nebula they found. The image of the discovered nebula was taken by NASA's retired Universe Spitzer Space Telescope. Officials said the nebula was seen deep in the constellation Sagittarius along the plane of the Milky Way. GodzillaThey added that the various colors seen also represent different wavelengths of infrared light.The researchers also explained that the stars in the upper right, where Godzilla's nose and eyes are located, are very far from Earth, but are located within our galaxy. The bright region in yellowish colors on the left, where Godzilla's right hand is located at a distance of about 7,800 light-years from Earth, is called W33.The nebula was discovered by California Institute of Technology astronomer Robert Hurt. Earth photosNASA awarded Hurt for this discovery in data obtained by Spitzer over 18 years. The Universe Spitzer Space Telescope was discontinued in late January 2020. However, scientists are re-examining the images obtained by the telescope so far, although it may provide on School, which is located within the University of Pennsylvania and is among the most prestigious Ivy San Franciscoschools in the world, announced that they will receive payments with crypto money. Another photo that managed to enter the list of Earth photos taken from space belongs to NASA astronaut Megan McArthur. The view of San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge from space has garnered acclaim. This photo by McArthur also shows a few other landmarks

2021-12-01 la 12:48

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) shared three new photos this week. Astronauts show off their photographic skills once again as they broadcast remarkable images of Earth. The first of these photos is from Thomas Pesquet, who made a name for himself with the world landscapes he took recently.European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pesquet gets thousands of likes on Twitter for his photos of Earth. The last photo he shared resembles a van Gogh painting. According to Digital Trends, the oil painting-like photograph offers insight into what van Gogh would have done had he had the chance to get his brush and palette into orbit. Pesquet captured this photo earlier this week Shane Kimbroughas the space station passed over Australia. However, the ESA astronaut did not reveal exactly which location of Australia the photo in question shows.Two new photos showing the USA have arrived!Another photo that managed to enter the list of Earth photos taken from space belongs to NASA astronaut Megan McArthur. The view of San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge from space has garnered acclaim. This photo by McArthur also shows a few other landmarks. For example, Farallones Bay, San Francisco Bay, most of the city and Alcatraz Island.Milky Way Third among Earth photos is NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough's shot. This photo shows a truly magnificent landscape. The photo, which gives the impression of a surreal image, resembles gigantic CDs. For some people, it's like a crop circle. However, it is actually a farmland using the sprinkler system around a central point. This image comes from the USA. These circular crop fields are quite interesting.Meanwhile, Pesquet captured a similar image earlier this year as the space station passed over Saudi Arabia.Space TelescopeHowever, capturing images from space isn't easy, even if we envy the astronauts' view. Astronauts are mostly busy doing scientific experiments on the spaceport. Therefore, they have limited time to take their cameras and look out the window.The space agency shared a photo of this nebula, which it likened to Godzilla, on social media. Thinking that there would be people who could not see Godzilla in the nebula, he connected the dots and made the animal form he found more obvious. NASA officials said in a statement this week that nebulae in space can be compared to shapes just like clouds in the atmosphere.Cryptocurrency To support this idea, he presented the images of the nebula they found. The image of the discovered nebula was taken by NASA's retired Universe Spitzer Space Telescope. Officials said the nebula was seen deep in the constellation Sagittarius along the plane of the Milky Way. They added that the various colors seen also represent different wavelengths of infrared light. The researchers also explained that the stars in the upper right, where Godzilla's nose and eyes are located, are very far from Earth, but are located within our galaxy. The bright region in yellowish colors on the left, where Godzilla's right hand is located at a distance of about 7,800 light-years from Earth, is called W33.International Space StationThe nebula was discovered by California Institute of Technology astronomer Robert Hurt. NASA awarded Hurt for this discovery in data obtained by Spitzer over 18 years. The Universe Spitzer Space Telescope was discontinued in late January 2020. However, scientists are re-examining the images obtained by the telescope so far, although it may provide new information about the universe. Cryptocurrency, which is increasingly used in many different areas today, will now be used for education payments. According to the new news from Bloomberg, the Wharton School, which is located within the University of Pennsylvania and is among the most prestigious Ivy schools in the world, announced that they will receive payments with crypto money. van GoghAstronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) shared three new photos this week. Astronauts show off their photographic skills once again as they broadcast remarkable images of Earth. The first of these photos is from Thomas Pesquet, who made a name for himself with the world landscapes he took recently.European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pesquet gets thousands of likes on Twitter for his photos of Earth. Thomas Pesquet The last photo he shared resembles a van Gogh painting. According to Digital Trends, the oil painting-like photograph offers insight into what van Gogh would have done had he had the chance to get his brush and palette into orbit.

2021-12-01 la 12:46




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