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Cauze de inducere a travaliului

In Nastere , adaugat in
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In timpul sarcinii pot aparea anumite probleme (preeclampsie, hipotrofie, sangerari vaginale, depasirea termenului etc.) care pun in pericol viata mamei sau a fatului. Aceste afectiuni impun declansarea nasterii, prin inducerea fortata a travaliului cu ajutorul medicamentelor sau altor tehnici.

Aceasta se realizeaza fie inainte de termen, cand continuarea sarcinii ar putea pune in pericol sanatatea si chiar viata mamei si a fatului, fie cand termenul este depasit si a trecut mai mult de o saptamana de la data probabila a nasterii. Acest fenomen poate atrage dupa sine suferinta fatului, intamplandu-se ca placenta sa-i devina insuficienta.

Din factorii care impun nasterea fortata, distingem:


Este fenomenul ce precede una dintre cele mai grave afectiuni: eclampsia, care in trecut facea foarte multe victime in randul femeilor insarcinate, dar care astazi se poate depista din timp si trata. Semnele sale clinice se manifesta prin cresterea tensiunii arteriale - hipertensiune, cefalee - dureri de cap foarte violente, tulburari de vedere, ameteli, somnolenta, dureri epigastrice, edeme la nivelul gambelor, mainilor, pleoapelor, ce persista, prezenta albuminei in urina. Posibilitatea degenerarii in eclampsie ii determina pe medici sa grabeasca nasterea, evitand astfel riscurile.

Diabetul in sarcina

Determina cresterea excesiva in greutate a fatului - macrosomia, ceea ce ingreuneaza foarte mult nasterea naturala. Astfel ca medicul poate opta pentru grabirea nasterii, inducand travaliul in saptamanile 37-38.

Hipotrofia fetala

Presupune un fat cu dimensiuni mai mici decat cele impuse de varsta sa gestationala, datorate unei placente imbatranite prematur, care nu-i mai asigura necesitatile energetice. De aceea se impune ca masura o nastere provocata inainte de vreme pentru ca fatul sa poata fi ingrijit pe alte cai, dandu-i-se astfel sansa de a supravietui.


Este reprezentata de infectia lichidului amniotic care pune extrem de tare in pericol atat viata fatului cat si a mamei. Aceasta impune fara taraganare, inducerea travaliului.

Distocii de travaliu

Sunt probleme in timpul nasterii, moment ingreunat de oboseala muschiului uterin, intr-un travaliu prelungit. Acest lucru poate genera incetarea contractiilor care ar avea drept efect suferinta fetala. In consecinta, se va recurge la stimularea miometrului (muschi al peretelui uterin), cu oxitocina - hormon ce activeaza contractiile.

Ruperea prematura a membranelor

Ce presupune desprinderea dopului gelatinos care separa cavitatea amniotica de exterior, daca nu este imediat urmata de travaliu, poate antrena infectii grave. De aceea se induce travaliul si in acest context evitandu-se complicatiile infectioase.


travaliu indus


Sangerarile vaginale

Sangerarile care au loc spre sfarsitul sarcinii, sunt generate de cele mai multe ori, de desprinderea placentei de peretele uterin. Daca sunt abundente si se constata afectarea fatului, se recurge la declansarea nasterii.

Sarcina depasita

Este considerata in momentul in care s-a intrat in perioada de dupa a 42-a saptamana, majoritatea bebelusilor nascandu-se intre saptamanile 38 si 42. Insa, inca din saptamanile 40-41, sarcina este sub stricta supraveghere, copilul fiind monitorizat, pentru ca la cel mai mic semn de suferinta sa poata fi declansata nasterea.

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Timely intervention helps manage complications and ensures the well-being of both the mother and the baby.

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2023-10-29 la 02:10

I applaud you for illuminating the difficulties associated with inducing labor in high-risk pregnancies. To safeguard the health of both the mother and the child, it is crucial to comprehend the delicate balancing act between the possible hazards connected with these situations and the advantages of starting labor. Pregnancies with high risk, as those affected by preeclampsia, diabetes, or fetal hypotrophy, need for close observation and urgent medical attention. Although it is not a decision that is made lightly, starting labor early is done so in an effort to reduce the dangers. Healthcare practitioners can better control any possible difficulties linked to these disorders and give the proper treatment to improve outcomes by starting labor. click here

2023-05-21 la 00:04

I applaud you for illuminating the difficulties associated with inducing labor in high-risk pregnancies. To safeguard the health of both the mother and the child, it is crucial to comprehend the delicate balancing act between the possible hazards connected with these situations and the advantages of starting labor. Pregnancies with high risk, as those affected by preeclampsia, diabetes, or fetal hypotrophy, need for close observation and urgent medical attention. Although it is not a decision that is made lightly, starting labor early is done so in an effort to reduce the dangers. Healthcare practitioners can better control any possible difficulties linked to these disorders and give the proper treatment to improve outcomes by starting labor.

2023-05-20 la 23:59

Thank you for shedding light on the crucial topic of forced induction of labor in high-risk pregnancies. It's evident that certain conditions can pose significant threats to both the mother and the fetus, making the initiation of labor a necessary and life-saving intervention. Preeclampsia, for instance, is a serious condition that demands prompt action. By closely monitoring the clinical signs such as increased blood pressure, severe headaches, and visual disturbances, healthcare professionals can identify the risk of degeneration into eclampsia and take timely measures to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Diabetes during pregnancy and fetal hypotrophy also present unique challenges. The excessive weight gain of the fetus and the prematurely aged placenta require careful consideration. Inducing labor in these cases, within the appropriate gestational period, can help manage the risks associated with these conditions and increase the chances of a favorable outcome. Chorioamniotitis, characterized by infection in the amniotic fluid, is another critical situation where swift action is imperative. The induction of labor becomes a vital step in safeguarding the health of both the mother and the fetus, preventing further complications that could arise from prolonged exposure to infection. Labor dystocia, premature rupture of membranes, vaginal bleeding, and overdue pregnancies are additional factors that necessitate the initiation of labor. Each of these circumstances carries its own set of risks and must be carefully evaluated by healthcare professionals. Promptly inducing labor when needed can help prevent adverse outcomes and ensure the safety of both mother and child. It's crucial for expectant mothers and their families to understand that forced induction of labor is not undertaken lightly. Rather, it is a well-considered decision made by healthcare providers based on a comprehensive assessment of the risks and benefits involved. The primary goal is to prioritize the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby. In conclusion, forced induction of labor plays a vital role in managing high-risk pregnancies. By closely monitoring and addressing conditions such as preeclampsia, diabetes, fetal hypotrophy, chorioamniotitis, labor dystocia, premature rupture of membranes, vaginal bleeding, and overdue pregnancies, healthcare professionals can take proactive measures to ensure the best possible outcomes for both mother and child. It's important for expectant mothers to trust their medical team and engage in open communication regarding any concerns or questions they may have throughout the process. Once again, thank you for highlighting this crucial aspect of pregnancy and childbirth. Your informative post will undoubtedly help raise awareness and empower individuals to make informed decisions in partnership with their healthcare providers. Sincerely,

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